DICHT! Issue 2.2024
June 7, 2024
Gluetec News
2024, Press
Our statement on the "Enabling potential" of adhesive bonding technology
On page 39/40 of the current issue of the German trade magazine DICHT! Kleben. Dichten. Polymere. verstehen our Product Manager Elias Gander talks about the potential of modern adhesive solutions for lightweight construction applications and how adhesives can be used to maximize the efficiency of production and maintenance projects.
We would like to thank Holger Best and Bärbel Schäfer for their statement publication and congratulate them on another interesting issue of DICHT! with many practical technical articles and the most relevant news about bonding, sealing and polymers.
The print version of the trade journal DICHT! will be published on June 3, 2024. Read the current issue 2.2024 today! Here online, easily and without registration: https://www.isgatec.com/medien/dicht-digital/
Enjoy reading!
On page 39/40 of the current issue of the German trade magazine DICHT! Kleben. Dichten. Polymere. verstehen our Product Manager Elias Gander talks about the potential of modern adhesive solutions for lightweight construction applications and how adhesives can be used to maximize the efficiency of production and maintenance projects.
We would like to thank Holger Best and Bärbel Schäfer for their statement publication and congratulate them on another interesting issue of DICHT! with many practical technical articles and the most relevant news about bonding, sealing and polymers.
The print version of the trade journal DICHT! will be published on June 3, 2024. Read the current issue 2.2024 today! Here online, easily and without registration: https://www.isgatec.com/medien/dicht-digital/
Enjoy reading!