Bonding technology covers a very complex range of joining methods. The question often arises question of which substrates can be joined in which way with which adhesive.
For this reason, from 2024 we will be offering you adhesive training courses that not only consist of theoretical basics, but are also deepened by means of practical exercises.
In our two-day basic seminars on bonding technology, we impart knowledge about the various adhesives and sealants, their curing processes, surface pre-treatments and possible applications. You can deepen your theoretical knowledge directly in the practical parts with the help of practical exercises.
The training courses also offer the opportunity to discuss technical adhesive requirements and process advantages with our experts.
At the end of each training course, there is a concluding test and certificate presentation.
Book practical adhesive training courses now at the new WIKO ADHESIVE COMPETENCE CENTER in Czestochowa/Poland.
Would you like to find out more about our adhesive training courses? Send us your request to Mr. Bartłomiej Wróbel: Mob. 0048789947411 or

Introduction to adhesive technology
Application of methyl methacrylate adhesives (MMA)
Application of anaerobic adhesives

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