In the focus of the industry - WIKO® HT SILICONE NEUTRAL in the Schreinerzeitung/CH
October 11, 2024
Gluetec News
2024, Products, Press
We would like to thank the trade journal SchreinerZeitung for publishing our news on the new sealant WIKO® HT SILICONE NEUTRAL under the heading "PRODUCTS - In the focus of the industry".The full article "High-temperature silicones" can be found on page 22 of the current issue of Schreinerzeitung, No. 40/24.
These innovative, neutrally cross-linking silicones offer a wide range of advantages for your applications in production, construction and maintenance. Find out more about the advantages and possible applications in our latest blog post and request a free sample. To the blog post: Silicones
You can also find many other innovative products, specialist articles and interesting topics relating to professional woodworking online at The Schreinerzeitung is regarded as THE relevant trade medium for the carpentry profession and the timber construction industry in Switzerland. As a subscriber, you will receive the latest issue as an e-paper every week.
These innovative, neutrally cross-linking silicones offer a wide range of advantages for your applications in production, construction and maintenance. Find out more about the advantages and possible applications in our latest blog post and request a free sample. To the blog post: Silicones
You can also find many other innovative products, specialist articles and interesting topics relating to professional woodworking online at The Schreinerzeitung is regarded as THE relevant trade medium for the carpentry profession and the timber construction industry in Switzerland. As a subscriber, you will receive the latest issue as an e-paper every week.