Tightening of the CLP Regulation

New legal requirements for labels and print data

With EU Regulation 2024/2865, amendments to the CLP Regulation came into force on 10 December 2024, which directly affect all chemical product labels and entail mandatory design changes. This affects all GLUETEC products, private label products and blank products with transport labels.

New requirements

Essentially, this involves new rules for the safety text:
  • Text colour black on white - Font without serifs
  • Line spacing at least 120% of the font size
  • Font size: measured at the small x at least 1.2 mm (Arial 6.6 pt) or 1.4 mm (Arial 7.7 pt)

Transition periods

  • GLUETEC may continue to process and use labels that have already been printed until the end of 2026. Our customers may continue to sell these products in stores until 2028.
  • New labels for new products must already comply with the current CLP standard. 
Detailed information on this topic you can find here online and in our flyer:
The distributor alone is responsible for the design of the labels and bears the full risk for any necessary changes to labels that have already been printed. The label format may have to be fundamentally adapted, especially for small containers with limited space. Our graphic designers will be happy to consult and assist you with the design process of your labels.

Graphics Team: 
Mrs Lochner m.lochner@gluetec-group.com & Mrs Kettner d.kettner@gluetec-group.com