WIKO Adhesive Competence Center
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Occupational exposure limit (OEL)

The occupational exposure limit (OEL) value refers to the highest permissible concentrations of hazardous or harmful substances in the air at the workplace.

Open time

Open time, the term used in materials science and bonding technology, describes the amount of time an adhesive can be applied and manipulated before it cures. 


The term "organic" in chemistry refers to compounds containing carbon. These compounds can be naturally occurring or synthetically produced.


The term "organic" in chemistry refers to compounds containing carbon. These compounds can be naturally occurring or synthetically produced.


In chemistry, the term outgassing refers to the release of gases from a liquid or solid.


Oxidation is a chemical reaction in which an element or compound loses electrons. It occurs when a substance reacts with oxygen or donates electrons to an electroacceptor.
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