WIKO Adhesive Competence Center
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Curing time

Curing time, also known as drying time, refers to the amount of time it takes for a material to fully cure after application. This is an important factor when using adhesives, paints, sealants and other materials that need to cure after application to form a permanent bond or protective coating.

The curing time varies depending on the material and conditions such as temperature and humidity. In some cases, the cure time may be fast and completed within a few minutes or hours. In other cases, the curing time may take several days or even weeks.

It is important to carefully monitor and adhere to the cure time to ensure that the material fully cures and performs as desired. Interrupting or speeding up the cure time may result in the material not fully curing or not becoming as hard as it should be, which may lead to weaknesses or defects in the bond or protective layer.

Overall, cure time is an important factor when using materials that need to cure after application. It is important to carefully consider and adhere to the curing time to ensure a successful bond or protective coating.

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